Friday, June 8, 2012


Hi guys! Today, I thought I'd write a quick post about Goodreads, which is a really fun site that I like to use to keep track of what I've read and what I want to read in the future. (It connects to Facebook too, so if you already have a Facebook account, it's really easy to use.)

Here's the site address:

If you don't have an account, Goodreads will show you a bunch of different titles, and you can select which ones you've read so the site can gauge what kinds of books you like. If you create a Goodreads account (it's free), the site will recommend books for you, and you can also connect with friends through Facebook or Goodreads. I don't know many people on Goodreads, but it's fun to check out what some of my friends are reading or putting on their "to-read" list. :)

Here's what my profile looks like:

So, if you're looking for a cool way to keep track of what you read and connect with other people who love books, give Goodreads a try!

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