Thursday, May 10, 2012

Upcoming Book Club Titles

Hi guys! (FYI, from now on, I'll try to update this blog more than once a month.) Anyway, here's what we're reading for June:
Incidentally, the movie comes out on June 22nd. :) Anyway, for July and beyond, several people have voted on potential titles, and the following three books tied for first place:

So, question: do we want to pick two and then save the third for another time, or should these books become our Book Club titles for July, August, and September? Let me know what you think, but bear in mind that unless I hear a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about this, I plan to go ahead and order all three of these in the next week or so. :) (With the Summer Reading Program starting in just a few weeks, and all that's going to entail, I'd prefer to have several future titles figured out in advance.) Thanks for reading and talk to you soon!